Keynote: Failure, Learning and the Growth Mindset: How to be an effective, successful, happy academic

With Alex Clark and Bailey Sousa

Wednesday, Aug. 14
9 - 10 a.m.
Taylor Institute Forum (TI 160)

Success in academic work matters, but what matters most for academic work success? Working cultures, personal goals, and leadership priorities in academic settings foster success-oriented cultures. Yet, research indicates these often can actually reduce the likelihood of sustained success via lowered work aspiration, productivity and quality, and often harm our mental health and aspirations.

In this participatory session, learn why and how you see the world and yourself affects whether you fail successfully and why this is so vital to ongoing career and organizational growth. Drawing on latest theory and research, come to understand that while failure may be inevitable in our academic work, wasting it is not. 

Alex Clark and Bailey Sousa’s work on academic skills has been featured in The Guardian, Times Higher Education, and various professional journals. Authors of How to be a Happy Academic they have led interdisciplinary workshops throughout Canada and all over the world on aspects of academic work, including incorporating values, writing publications for impact, grantsmanship, and project management skills. Alex and Bailey are also active in their roles respectively as the Associate Vice President (Research) and the Director of the Peter Lougheed Leadership College at the University of Alberta.

Part of the Educators Summer Wellness Series. See the full listing of events.

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