Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching
Exploring Experiential Learning | April 30 - May 1, 2019

Submit your proposal Download the guide

Choose your path

The 2019 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching invites faculty, instructors, administrators, librarians, staff, students and postdoctoral scholars to explore experiential learning – and the scholarship, approaches, practices and issues surrounding it – in the postsecondary context.

1. Download the guide
We have created a Call for Proposals Guide to help interested presenters successfully develop a proposal and navigate the Open Conference System (OCS). Carefully reviewing this guide will help you ensure that your proposal meets our requirements and passes the peer-review adjudication process. 

2. Review the rubrics
Peer adjudicators will look at a number of criteria when reviewing your proposal. Be sure to consider to ask yourself the following questions: Is the topic of interest to the teaching and learning community? Is it relevant and applicable to a broad audience across disciplines? Is it related to the conference theme?

By answering these questions and others found on the rubric, your proposal will have a better chance of being selected by the adjudication committee. 

3. Submit your proposal
We accept proposals through the Open Conference System (OCS). New users will need to create an account. Make sure you specify the session type you are interested in. Upload your submission and include all of the required author information. 

Customize your conference experience by exploring these threads
These threads represent current themes in postsecondary learning and teaching. Presenters can select one or two threads to help delegates identify sessions related to their area of interest. 
Mental Health and Wellness

Mental Health
Rich communities of colleagues, mentors, teachers and students are essential for creating learning cultures. This thread explores what learning communities are and how they can impact student engagement. 
Student Inquiry

Student inquiry
Scholarship driven by curiosity and passion in students can lead to transformative, life-long learning. This thread explores the possibilities, challenges and outcomes of student-directed inquiry and research. 
Digital Pedagogies

Digital pedagogies
The interaction between technology, instructors, students, our digital communities and spaces, forms the foundation of digital pedagogies. This thread explores how the relationship between learning and technology can create deeper experiential learning opportunities. 
Interdisciplinary Collaborations

Interdisciplinary collaborations
Instructors and students view learning through their own unique lenses. This thread examines what this learning looks like across disciplines, and in the diverse spaces where they meet. 
Learning Partnerships

Learning partnerships
Learning is a reciprocal process at the course, program and curriculum levels — for both the instructor and the student. This thread examines what partnerships can look like in the context of experiential learning. 
Are you ready for the next step? Head over to submit your proposal and start the process.

I always make time to come to the conference at the Taylor Institute, mostly because of the way it makes me feel part of a community. I get a chance to go out of my disciplinary walls and talk to people from other areas and they give you so many ways of sharing your ideas and presenting your ideas.

Dr. Wendy Benoit, PhD. 
Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Faculty of Science, University of Calgary

89% of postsecondary undergraduates and recent graduates support more work-integrated learning in their programs. 

75+ Sessions and 4 session formats

Early bird fees of only $175 to $250 (student and staff rates)

1 Full-day preconference training session

I would like to thank you for putting together one of the most sophisticated, intelligent, inspiring and grounded conferences I've ever attended. It was a fruitful and amazing time for me and my colleagues.

Anonymous delegate feedback
2018 Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

The conference allows presenters to demonstrate their educational leadership. Every presenter here has taken the time to synthesize and present an issue in teaching and learning that has resonance to them. More importantly, I think people do learn new things here that they later implement into practice. It's not only about developing skills but also their sense of confidence and self-efficacy as an educator.

Dr. Natasha Kenny, PhD. 
Director, Educational Development Unit, Taylor Institute 

Have questions about OCS and how to submit your proposal? Want to know more about adjudication? 
Contact [email protected] for more information.