Does 1.5°C Matter?
A Keynote and Progress Update on UCalgary's Sustainability Strategy
Join us for a progress update on the Institutional Sustainability Strategy, and a thought-provoking keynote address from internationally recognized climate leader, Dr. Kristie Ebi.
Dr. Ebi studies health risks of climate change and is an author of the ground-breaking United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) report that outlines the effect of a rising global temperature. She will discuss how climate change relates to the broader sustainability context, and why we should still be optimistic that we can adapt to meet the needs of future generations.
Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Time: 11:30 a.m. Doors open - Networking and information fair
12:00 p.m. Program begins
Location: MacEwan Ballroom (MSC 301)
2500 University Dr NW
RSVP by October 18, 2019
Light refreshments will be served.
For event details and more information about the Institutional Sustainability Strategy, visit