Not just allyship but ACTION: Insight on how to implement the changes needed to address EDI

Monday, Feb. 6, 2023 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. (MT)

Keynote speaker
Dr. Wanda Costen, Dean, Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Presented by The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Dr. Wanda Costen will share with the University of Calgary community her insights on what solidarity means across equity-deserving groups. Dr. Costen’s extensive experience as an educator, researcher and leader across various sectors, from the postsecondary to the private and public sectors and active engagement with the community will be invaluable in learning about change through a collaborative spirit. In her talk, she will highlight how to be leaders in bringing change through EDI and anti-racist lenses and build solidarity across the various issues for social change.

The talk will allow us to reflect and think through intersectional perspectives about how to take action toward equity, diversity and inclusion and be good allies and supporters. Through narratives and stories, Dr. Costen will give us ways of thinking through courage, safe spaces, solidarity in action, anti-racism and EDI work on campus and beyond. To build on the conversations that have been occurring on campus on how to lead and support initiatives and calls for change to make the campus more diverse, inclusive and equitable, Dr. Costen will offer suggestions and ideas to advance change for everyone in their different roles and responsibilities towards EDI and anti-racism.

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